We welcome your support for the Afghan Girls National Soccer Team. There are several ways to donate. Also, if you are interested in helping, please contact Michael Karlin at mjkarlin@soccerspace.org. All deductions are tax deductible in the United States to the extent allowed by law. You will receive a tax compliant receipt from SoccerSpace USA, which is registered California non-profit corporation that is tax exempt under Internal Revenue Code section 501(c)(3), EIN 95-4787754.
By Check. Send a check to SoccerSpace USA, attn. Melissa Krantz, PO Box 1761, Beverly Hills, CA 90211, USA.
By ACH or Wire Transfer. We will shortly have a page where you can donate through this website, but until then, please contact Michael Karlin and he will provide you with instructions.
By Credit Card. Click/link here to make a donation by credit card
Through GoFundMe. SoccerSpace is running a GoFundMe campaign. A link is here. Donations to the campaign are tax deductible - this is not a crowd funding exercise. You can use a credit card on the site.
International Donors: We are working on making it possible to donate even if you are not a U.S. person.