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soccerspace.gifHow to Support the Afghan Girls National Team

We welcome your support for the Afghan Girls National Soccer Team.  There are several ways to donate.  Also, if you are interested in helping, please contact Michael Karlin at mjkarlin@soccerspace.org.  All deductions are tax deductible in the United States to the extent allowed by law.  You will receive a tax compliant receipt from SoccerSpace USA, which is registered California non-profit corporation that is tax exempt under Internal Revenue Code section 501(c)(3), EIN 95-4787754.

By Check. Send a check to SoccerSpace USA, attn. Melissa Krantz, PO Box 1761, Beverly Hills, CA 90211, USA.

By ACH or Wire Transfer.  We will shortly have a page where you can donate through this website, but until then, please contact Michael Karlin and he will provide you with instructions.

By Credit Card.  Click/link here to make a donation by credit card

Through GoFundMe.  SoccerSpace is running a GoFundMe campaign.  A link is here. Donations to the campaign are tax deductible - this is not a crowd funding exercise.  You can use a credit card on the site.

International Donors:  We are working on making it possible to donate even if you are not a U.S. person.